Sunday, January 20, 2008

Call for Submissions: My First Blog Carnival

I am honored to have been invited to host SurgExperiences #114, a blog carnival, right here, on Sunday, February 3.

I am considering entitling the compilation "the good, the bad, and the ugly," but there's no real theme.

Please send submissions in the form of links to current or past blog posts to by Friday, February 1.

The current edition is up and running at Counting Sheep, hosted by Terry. Enjoy these tales of surgery after hours!


  1. This has nothing to do with your blog carnival, but it is as good a place as any to tell you about a Preston Sturgis film I just saw about the discovery of ether as a pain killer. It is not Sturgis' best film (though the fault is not his--the studio messed it up), and is probably his least-known, but for you and all of your colleagues, here's the IMDB link

  2. Thanks for the info, Elaine -we'll definitely have to check it out!

  3. i took a music course at UCLA with Preston's son Tom who is EVP and head of creative at Universal Music... and lemme tell u... boths are legends, one in his time, one a living specimen... i'm in a different time zone -- classical tunes -- sheet music archive is my site for classical sheet music (shameless plug)
