So, my flight is cancelled.
My reaction? Oh good - I need more time to get ready anyway. Not to mention the fact that I'm always relieved to hear I don't have to get on a plane any time soon.
My husband, though, is bummed out. He went to go hit some tennis balls.
My girl is a little disappointed but also totally psyched that this means she can see The Color Purple again tonight, this time with her dad.
My boy is totally sad he can't sleep over at the neighbors' house even though we're not flying out tonight and just might have to have a breakfast-for-dinner kind of night with his mommy.
I am trying not to let my usual travel anxieties get the best of me. I was feeling so calm all afternoon. Now that we're not going tonight, the demons are back: They're having equipment problems. Maybe your plane is unsafe. Maybe your pilot will make a mistake. Maybe there'll be storms over the Atlantic. How will you stay calm if disaster strikes? What can you say to your children to make it easier for them? Isn't it awful to think of being alone and in terror? Wouldn't you rather just stay home?
No, demons, thank you very much, I wouldn't, not this time.
Usually I am a home body, I'll admit, but I've earned this vacation, and I intend to enjoy it. I want to eat some yummy foreign food and walk some charming streets and learn some history and art and just escape to distant shores far away from the work grind. I want to ooh and aah at beautiful things with the people I love most in the world and laugh with them and be wowed. If none of that is meant to be, there's nothing I can do about it now. We're rebooked on this flight tomorrow, and we're just going to have to hope this one actually goes and gets us where we wanna go!
Go T. go!
What was I thinking?
Go, T., go!
Um, shouldn't you be packing instead of blogging? LOL...
Sorry, I just had to say something...don't worry, I'm horribly addicted too!
I hope you have a GREAT vacation...can't wait to hear your stories...
That's just it - there I was, all packed, with no place to go...except the blogosphere! (Well, that's not entirely true - my daughter and I also went on a little outing to our local second-hand book shop.)
But now that you mention it, I think I should RE-pack. I feel like a have a second chance to streamline a little...
I think the airlines are being extra careful lately. My flight yesterday was delayed by 2 1/2 hours, causing me to miss the last flight out of Dallas. American Airlines put me up in a hotel, and I finally made it to my destination this morning. This morning's flight was delayed, too, though. It was a hassle, but I decided I'd rather they be safe than sorry!
I hope tomorrow goes more smoothly and that you have a wonderful trip!
Hope you have a great holiday and that, after this little hiccup, all goes smoothly.
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