Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Harvard Course Everyone Should Take

Michael Sandel's course entitled Justice stands out in many students' memories as one of the very best experiences Harvard has to offer. One of my biggest regrets was that I missed out on the chance to take it formally. Now I (and anyone with internet access) can get that chance back - without the pressure of papers and grades. Thank you, Harvard, for this incredible (and timely) gift!

The above video made me so nostalgic for college...

Click here ( link) or here (Youtube link) to watch Episode One of Justice persented by one of the greatest teachers EVER. If only all our teachers could be as good as Sandel - knowledgeable, encouraging, incisive, engaging, thought-provoking, SUPPORTIVE of his students and never disdainful...always aiming to bring out their best. I love the way he challenges students and gives them the courage to present their ideas - even to disagree with the "great" philosophers and say they were wrong! Way, way cool.


CaShThoMa said...

Thanks for this post and the link to the course. What a unique opportunity to "sit in" on this mind provoking class.

K. said...

Speaking of Harvard courses, any chance you want to do that writing course again? With me?

T. said...

Love to! When is it?

Unknown said...

Dear T.

I am a long time lurker, but a first time commentator. I would like to thank you very much for that link. I'm a medical student in Australia, and I have to say that these lectures engage me more than the ethics lectures at uni, sometimes! I enjoy reading your blog, and will confess to developing a wee bit of an interest in anaesthetics. I daresay I will develop my interests more when I go out for clinical placements. Anyway, thank you very much for this blog. It helps me to realise that one can be a doctor/ medical student and still have a life outside medicine.
