Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Story of My Life

I haven't been writing as much lately. This is because

a) I am a creative-project monogamist. I am completely consumed by a concert I'm producing this fall and all my productive energy seems to want to go there. Thus blogging and other writing are suffering.

b) Work has been busy. Just this week I'm on overnight call in the hospital three times. I'm tired.

c) Work dynamics have been exasperating lately, and I don't want to vent too much negative stuff here that would blacken the atmosphere. I get annoyed at over-critical people; surely my complaints would come across as similarly annoying and judgmental or over-critical, and I just don't feel like going there right now. Maybe on the next post...or the one after that...but not right now.

In the meantime, here's an amusing clip - one that's gone viral in our anesthesia community - that just about sums it up:

Story. Of. My life.


  1. I hadn't seen that particular video, but all of the ones I have seen crack me up. The oncologist one almost killed me, I was laughing so hard.

    I hope things at work smooth out for you soon!

  2. Thanks! Do you have a link for the oncology video?

  3. Oncologist video: Maybe this one?

  4. Thanks for that, mw. I also saw on Youtube a "Hospitalist v. Cardiologist" and "an Anesthesia v. Joint Commission" one. The latter may be my ultimate favorite but I couldn't bring myself to re-post it here! (*blush* then snicker mischievously)

  5. So happy to know you are busy and well. "Break a leg" (re: concert). :)

  6. The video is very funny and I'm not even in your field. :) Glad you are doing well.
