I've been blogging less lately, but with no less desire to write.
Sometimes, though, even if I want to, I just can't write about what's on my mind.
I can't write about how worried I am about the city of Manila. How I think to myself we Filipinos are #12 for population in the world, and an eighth of that population is soaking wet in that city, and now dealing with sewage, trash, loss, and disease as the waters start to recede but more rain is on the horizon. Yet here I am safe, warm, dry, and comfortable enjoying a quiet night with my husband and kids.
I can't write about how deeply I disagree with some opinions that have been expressed about faith, medicine, politics, and other related matters on various blogs, news articles, facebook posts, etc. It's too tiring.
I can't write about bad cross-cultural experiences that still leave me feeling sour.
I can't write about people I've been reminded of lately who really, really, really bring back unpleasant memories and sentiments.
On top of all this, I have an outside writing project I really want to work on, and I can't seem to believe in it enough to move forward.
Am I depressed?
But I don't feel depressed. I'm actually quite happy these days. Work is fine. Kids are doing great. Husband's a sweetheart.
And my thoughts, my swirly thoughts, continue streaming around my mind in colorful, noisy little ribbons, like the decorations for a barrio fiesta in my home city. Lots of thoughts. Those are all still there.
Yet I can't write right now. I wonder why. I miss it.