Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grand Rounds 5:33 and Round-Up Announcement

Thank goodness for weekly Grand Rounds!  My mind is a complete mish-mash right now.  I don't think I could come up with a coherent post today.  

Please check out Grand Rounds 5:33 at Nurse Ausmed.  It's a great collection of the best of the medical blogosphere.  I'm honored to have been included.

Which brings me to my own round-ups for events coming up:

1)  I'll be hosting the next edition of SurgeXperiences, the surgical blog carnival, on May 17.  Please submit posts via this form or by emailing me at anesthesioboist@gmail.com.

2) I'm also celebrating my blogiversary with a week-long Anesthesioboist's Blogiversary Festival May 11-May 17, culminating with the aforementioned blog carnival.  The actual blogiversary day, May 16, will feature a new version of last year's celebration:  "T. interviewed by her readers."  Thanks to those who have already sent questions!  

Please send interview questions to me via email, anesthesioboist@gmail.com. (I could use some good music / food / books questions in addition to the medical ones, or maybe a couple of "fluff" questions too - just to add a little fun!)  Those who do so will be eligible to win the book giveaway that will take place as part of next week's Blogiversary Festival.


I am post-call on this rainy day and will be off for the next several days as I help prepare for my daughter's debut as Annie (in a version of the musical adapted for school performance).  

I am happy for her.  The spirit with which she's tackled this role is a joy to see.

I am nervous.  We have lots of folks coming into town to support her, including her great-grandmother's 102-year-old sister!  I want my daughter to have a good experience and stay healthy and safe, and our family and friends to have a nice time.

I am busy.  I volunteered to help wrangle and/or create some props.  It's been both stressful and fun.

I am excited.  I can barely concentrate - hence the time off.  I have Annie songs stuck in my head.  

Before leaving work yesterday one of the nurse anesthetists remarked as he overheard me spilling my guts about the show to a colleague, "You know, I've seen you in the operating room with the toughest airway ever.  The kind where if you can't get it, the patient's gonna die.  And you've been totally calm, cool as a cucumber.  I've never seen you like this!"

What can I say?  It's my kid.  When it comes to my own family, I'm a mixed-up little ball of anxiety and hope.  There's no training program for that!


rlbates said...

T, make sure the battery is charged for the video camera. She'll do fine. Look forward to hearing how she does. :)

K. said...

Honey, she's going to do great if she's anything like you...cool as a cucumber!

Hinzi said...

Annie - our daughter was in a pro production of Annie, not as Annie, but as the youngest orphan, Molly. It kept us busy and entertained. We watched every single performance and became quite involved in the theater afterwards.
It doesn't matter whether your daughter becomes a broadway star or a brain surgeon (or an asst. stage director at the Met, like our daughter), what counts is that those performance experiences can teach responsibility, no matter where, as if someone's life depends on it.
Enjoy the show!

T. said...

Ramona - I hired someone to do the video-ing because I couldn't deal with the stress! :)

Kirti - thanks! She has so many gifts that amaze me - confidence, a great sense of humor, resilience, high energy, a natural musical and acting ability...I'm going to have to have faith in that and her love of it all.

Hinzi - I couldn't agree more; these projects can give children skills and lessons to carry with them for a lifetime into whatever other endeavors they pursue.